turbine relief valve
2015-01-13 by bridge
Steam turbine power generation system as one of the main power plant, plays an important role in the generation process. Turbine
relief valve power due to the advantages of high parameters of its economy, become the main development direction of the turbine. As demand and structural reform of the power sector for electricity users, most of the steam turbine power peaking and often participate in the running of the state variable condition. Steam Distribution stage there are two main ways: with a steam Barbecue Valves nozzle and the throttle with steam. Level adjustment operation mode is mainly run at constant
pressure and sliding pressure operation, large-scale thermal power turbine generator is usually a combination of operating modes and different ways with steam. Steam turbine nozzle with variable parameter operation by adjusting the degree of opening of the relief valve to achieve, regulating the flow regulating relief valve level segment of the complex and is usually part of the regulator inlet level, low-flow efficiency.
Launch control relief valve arrangement and operation of the unit and adjust the way research level flow pattern, the analysis mechanism resulting loss, able to power the turbine gas safety burner valve thermodynamic and kinetic aerodynamic design, analysis, processing operation to provide theoretically possible problems support.