Electric control valve is a power supply for the power
2015-11-02 by bridge
Electric control valve is a power supply for the power to accept a unified standard signals 0-10mA, through the servo amplifier, the axial thrust generated by the motor drive running gear unit to adjust the spool shifts accordingly, reaching for the process medium flow , pressure, temperature, level and other variables adjust intelligent control valves.
Electric control valve by electric actuators and patio heater control valve of two parts, divided through single-seat formula through engine type two, which has a large flow capacity, unbalanced force is small and stable operating characteristics, it is usually particularly applicable to high flow, high pressure drop and leak less occasions.
Gas Heater Control Valve flow characteristics, is maintaining a constant differential pressure across the valve condition, the relationship between the medium flows through the valve of the relative flow with its opening. Electric control valve flow characteristics are linear features, such as the percentage characteristics and parabolic characteristic three.