The parameters of the control valve will be blurred
2015-10-14 by bridge
When the control valve arrival, shall promptly notify the supplier of time out of the box, requiring the supplier to send personnel to participate in the inspection carried out, if the supplier send a fax or letter confirmed and approved the results of the user out of the box. Inspection staff should be detailed records of all inspection results should not miss any details, but should inspection results and contract technical annex contrast, note the error, together with the inspection report timely feedback to the supplier, and require timely processing. As much as possible out of the box inspection delay time, this may affect the claims and project schedule. Another note is that the parameters of the control valve tag number,
safety valve, actuator and accessories model, serial number, etc. should be recorded, make filing work for later use when ordering products with accessories. Because if not timely note of these parameters, the control valve after prolonged use, the parameters on the nameplate will be blurred, illegible, it is possible to lose the nameplate, and some parameters on the procurement of spare parts is a must.