The selection of propane control valve
2015-01-11 by bridgeqs
Due to different geological structures or natural gas sources, regulating
Propane Control Valve in certain conditions, will produce JT effect, while the temperature of the medium caused by volatile. Therefore, the use of exhaustive rules, that is, to achieve the controlpatio heater control valvein extreme temperatures can still be running, so use low-temperature extension bonnet, this can cause the propane control valve to avoid freezing and packing jam or frozen may cause locator.
propane control valve selection.
The propane control valve is a large pressure conditions, pressure up to 7.75MPa, how to choose the type of propane control valve is the key to solving the problem. This condition, the conventional alternative is high-pressure propane control valve single-seat control propane control valve, high pressure cage seat propane control valve, high pressure multistage orifice buck series. The use of high-pressure single-seat control propane control valve, in terms of noise reduction and reducing the flow rate can not achieve the desired effect, the conditions for this type of propane control valve and the Stove Top Burner Valve will produce vibration and noise, and the other trim will be quickly eroded away. If high pressure cage seat control propane control valve, some improvement in terms of vibrations and pressure differential propane control valve, but the noise and erosion are still no improvement. Using high-pressure multi-stage relief propane control valve orifice, although an improvement in the combination of factors, because this choice DN25 propane control valve, the propane control valve cavity space is small, with a plate of space limitations, can be done up to 2-3 down by grade, still reach the desired effect. The above summary of the advantages and disadvantages of various propane control valves, and ultimately determine the selection of multi-level string maze®300 Gas Heater Control Valve.