Select the correct control valve and process pipe end face of connection
2015-10-21 by bridge
Select the correct control valve and process pipe end face of connection (annular surface connection / convex connection / clip-on). If equipped with flanges, valves require suppliers to provide the gasket between the valve and the mating flanges should be specified in the contract requirements and technical annex flange material, pressure rating and flange pipe takeover label. Wafer control valve itself, if single flange carrying wire threaded flange holes should be metric, if the load is completed inch thread, you should request the supply side with the Range Valves connecting bolts.
Should pay attention to the problem of corrosion of the valve. If the presence of cavitation, flashing, cavitation, erosion and other problems procurement control valve, you should pay attention to whether to take the appropriate means of disposing of these problems or minimize the likelihood of occurrence of these phenomena can be avoided. Valve,
magnet valve, valve cage, seat ring of material should be hardened steel or alloy steel, or other treatment or nitriding plus surface coating (such as Sri Lanka too plated Levin). Should absolutely avoid cavitation control valve appeared in a variety of application conditions.
Material analysis should require contractors to provide key components of the control valve, control valve leakage test reports, pressure test reports, form a test report or compliance certification, gas connection diagram, the control valve pressure test procedure used, the methods and Test control valve leakage test procedures, methods for inspection, review.
RFP should require bidders to provide control safety gas valve selection of samples (for sample code for specific models, abbreviations should be explained in detail), the application performance. Technical contract should require contractors to provide valve body and its annexes routine maintenance manuals, accessory dealers and sellers contact address, fax and phone numbers.