Gas oven with parts oven safety valve control temperature
2015-08-28 by bridge
Gas oven with oven accessories provided with parts oven safety valve control temperature, the gas valve includes a valve body temperature safety package, gland, temperature control module, and temperature control module is connected, one end of the safety valve outlet. Gland and safety valve seat, there is a pressure spring, safety valve and the valve assembly is removably coupled between the thermostat and safety valve fixed coupling, capping and temperature control components sliding fit gland and temperature control components.
The gas stove safety with thermostat with solenoid gas valve, which is special because there is a guide bar on the thermostat assembly having a guide hole on the lid, guide rod inserted into the guide hole slip fit; the lower end of the spool the barrel has a radially penetrating in the axial direction of the guide groove; gland has a connecting rod, connecting rod has a radial guide shaft, connecting rod inserted into the cylinder body, the guide groove mating with the guide shaft, connecting rod and the sleeve sliding fit.