Manual gas valves actuators
2015-01-11 by bridgeqs
Electric manualHeater Gas Valveactuators have special requirements that must be able to limit the torque or axial force. Electric
Manual Gas Valves actuators usually limited torque coupling. When the electrical device specifications to determine which controls torque also determined. Usually within a pre-determined period of time to run, the motor is not overloaded. However, if the following conditions might lead to overload: First, the supply voltage is low, are not required torque, the motor stops rotating; the second is wrong it is set torque limiting mechanism, making it larger than the stop torque resulting in continuous excessive torque, the motor Gas Heater Valve stops rotating; the third is intermittent use, the heat generated savings exceeds the allowable temperature rise of the motor; Fourth, for some reason, the torque limit circuit failure, excessive torque large; five is the ambient temperature is too high, the relative decline of the motor thermal capacity.
In the past to protect the motor way is to use fuses, overcurrent relays, thermal relays, thermostats, etc., but these approaches have advantages and disadvantages. Thisnatural gas patio heater variation on the electric system load device, absolutely reliable protection method is not. Therefore, we must take a variety of combinations, be summed up in two ways: First, changes in the motor input current judgment; the second is to heat the motor itself to judge the situation. These two methods, regardless of the kind of motor thermal capacity must be considered given time margin.