The selection of mnual gas valves
2015-10-08 by bridge
Manual Gas Valves electric device is programmed to achieve the manual gas valves, automation and remote control devices indispensable, its movement can be stroke, torque or to control the size of the axial thrust. Due to the operating characteristics of manual gas valves actuators and utilization depends on the type of the manual gas valves, the manual gas valves position device specifications and work on the pipeline or equipment, and therefore, the correct choice of manual gas valves actuators, to prevent overload phenomenon (operating torque is higher than the control torque) is essential.
Typically, the correct choice of manual gas valves electric device based on the following:
Operating torque: Operation moment is to select the most important parameters of electric manual gas valves actuators, the output torque of the electric device natural gas valves operation should be 1.2 to 1.5 times the maximum torque.
Operation Thrust: electric manual gas valves actuators host structure, there are two: one is not configured thrust plate, direct output torque; the other is configured thrust plate, the output torque of the stem nut through the thrust plate is converted to output thrust.
Output shaft rotation number: How many electric manual gas valves actuators and manual gas valves output shaft rotation number of the nominal diameter, stem pitch, thread the first few related, according to M = H / ZS computing (M for electrical installations shall meet the overall rotation number of turns, H is the Safety Valve Burner Valve opening height, S for stem transmission thread pitch, Z for the first few stem thread).