Magnet valve- dimensional flow regulator level segment
2015-01-13 by bridge
Due to space limitations, Figure 3 shows the
magnet valve only two kinds ofmagnet valve opening under - regulate the stages dimensional flow chart. Overall, when four magnet valves are open (I partially open magnet valve or four-magnet valve fully open), the steam fills the magnet valve regulating the stages basin, flow is better; when two magnet valves fully open, Ⅲ magnet valve portion on or three-magnet valve fully open, the magnet valve did not open the corresponding inlet steam flow through the pipeline, resulting in poor flow of steam in the distribution chamber and the nozzle cascade, causing a greater flow losses.
Regulating magnet valve structure is more complex, showing the flow magnet valve inside the complex three-dimensional flow phenomena. Steam flows through the two main steam magnet valve, there is no abrupt change in flow area, the flow control magnetcopper ball valvesbefore the substantially uniform flow in good condition.
Figure 4 shows the next two kinds of magnet valve opening degree adjustment magnet valve in the flow line distribution. Two magnet valves fully open or partially open magnet valve condition III, 2 shares at the time of steam flow around II, IV magnet valve stem, the magnet valve stem in the back there is a very strong collection of spin flow, resulting in the loss of a large flow through the magnet valve throat after the ministry was swirling shape. I half-open magnet valve and four-magnet valve fully open similar situations, fluid after bypass magnet valve II and IV swirl magnet valves, flow is poor. Can also be seen from Figure 4, the steam flows through the magnet valve, the throttling effect occurred mainly in the flow control gas stove valves to meet at the throat, where the maximum steam flow rate.